Buying Guide



To make a purchase online, simply browse through our products and once you have made your selection, adjust the quantity desired and click on the “Add to Cart” button. Your item(s) will now be in your Shopping Cart.

Once you are ready to finalise your order, click on the “Check Out” button inside your Shopping Cart and follow the prompt to complete your purchase.

More details are available on our How to Shop page.


If you are unable to increase the quantity of a product when ordering online it means we do not have the stock available to fulfill the order. Alternatively you can call your local store to see if they have the remaining items in stock for you to pick up in store. To find your local store please click here.


If your order has been confirmed but not shipped (i.e. you have not received a Shipping Confirmation email), please contact us with your order number.

If your order has been shipped, the product(s) will need to be returned to us. To start the returns process, please go to our Returns page.


If you have placed an online order but not yet received an order confirmation email, please check your junk or spam folder to see if it's there.

In the case your email address was entered incorrectly or your payment has not processed, please contact us for assistance.


If you have been sent an incorrect item or are missing an item from your order, please contact us so that we may assist you. We will endeavour to send you or replace the missing item as soon as possible. We will also pay for return postage where applicable.